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Introducing TSD, Let's Build

This area is about developing your trades and/or skills; and focusing on your career development. There are many ways that development is harvested. This year we will introduce programs that are focused in fundraising, researching, studying, and creating. It is our hope that you will join this communitea to both teach and learn with likeminded peers.

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Annual Birthday Fundraising

How do you celebrate 30 when to you, it's just another birthday?


Do what you love most. Give Back. Every year going forward, I want to celebrate myself by raising money for my organization and a cause

I believe in. 


Our first cause is going to be Mental Health, by way of, Suicide Awareness.

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Love Box Series

This Wellness Retreat is an event under the Love Box Series Program. It's time for Love and Wine! Saturday will celebrate great conversation, fun, food, and drinks. Sunday will serve a calming reflection and continental breakfast. Tickets will be available from April 1st through April 14th.

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